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The Field named McGilvra Elementary is at the Location named McGilvra Elementary

McGilvra Elementary GoogleMaps

U10 Field. Field Turf.

Address, Area=District 1
1617 38th Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112
U10 Field. Field Turf.
Google Map of the Vicinity
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Fields defined at this Location
  1. McGilvra Elementary (RealTurf)
    U10 field
Google Derived Travel Durations
71Addams/Hale20 minutes
8Bobby Morris12 minutes
226Echo Lake Elementary23 minutes
18Einstein27 minutes
153Franklin HS14 minutes
19Garfield HS9 minutes
20Genesee15 minutes
21Georgetown21 minutes
23Greenlake17 minutes
30Ingraham High School20 minutes
184Jefferson Playfield20 minutes
202Jefferson Sports Plateau18 minutes
219Lake Forest Park Elementary24 minutes
40Lower Woodland15 minutes
62Magnuson/Sand Point17 minutes
46Miller7 minutes
60Ridgecrest Elementary20 minutes
146Roosevelt HS16 minutes
114Shoreline Center23 minutes
68Shorewood HS23 minutes
74Twin Ponds20 minutes
77Van Asselt22 minutes
39View Ridge17 minutes
78Washington Park3 minutes
79Whitman MS26 minutes